[20191001204055] Spot Draining, Bug Fixes


  • switches to new built-in spot autodraining support
  • bug fix with consistency wrapper on process get

Pull Requests

Hi @ddollar,

Quick question, for these releases for them to start working on my rack, do I have to do something? Is this an automatic process. Because I’m assuming that doing convox update will do nothing since I’m using the Console Workflows.


Hey @ddollar I am getting errors on this new rack version.

[Error] /Resources/LauncherPermission/Properties/SourceArn/Fn::GetAtt: Resource type AWS::Events::Rule does not support attribute {Arn}

And now trying to roll back I am getting:

[Error] /Resources/InstancesAutoscalerPermission/Properties/SourceArn/Fn::GetAtt: Resource type AWS::Events::Rule does not support attribute {Arn}, [Error] /Resources/AccountEventsPolicy/Properties/PolicyDocument/Statement/0/Condition/ArnEquals/aws:SourceArn/Fn::GetAtt: Resource type AWS::Events::Rule does not support attribute {Arn}


Take a look at Convox deployment failing with "Rule does not support attribute". We have several other rack versions with the same issue, and other mentioning a general AWS outage on reddit.

What a strange message for an outage.

Yeah it seems like it’s back now. I downgraded to the last release but it’s probably safe.

Hey @moises,
convox update will update your CLI. To update your Rack version, you should do convox rack update :smile:

Hope that helps!

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