No access to rack after creating it

After creating a new rack, I can’t seem to interact with it in any way. This is after creating a fresh new account in AWS (developer account), installing and connecting the cli, and creating a new runtime (which I made sure was complete before running any further steps).

After creating the rack and waiting for the stack to complete, “convox racks” returns a status of unknown, and on the web gui, there is a question mark with a red background next to my stack.

I also made sure to wait until the cloudformation stack is complete. There were also no CREATE_FAILED errors.

Running “convox logs” returns “ERROR: connection failed”. Running any “apps create” commands returns “Creating rails… ERROR: response status 502”.

I’ve also attempted creating a rack in both us-west-1 and us-east-1.

Hey @kwerklund, thanks for reporting this… that’s intriguing.
Has the Rack eventually now become available to you or is it still in an unknown state?

It’s still in an unknown state. Is there any troubleshooting that I can do for the rack itself? What service/instance would I find the logging that comes out of convox logs?

We found an issue where a small number of newly created Racks were not being properly registered with the Console. A fix has been deployed and all newly created Racks should register properly. For Racks that are currently showing the red question mark you can safely delete (but not uninstall) them by clicking on the red “X”. You can then import those Racks into the Console by following the instructions here:

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This seems to have fixed my issue. Removed the rack from the racks section in the convox gui and imported it. Within a few minutes, the question mark was replaced by a checkmark and the status moved from unknown to running from convox racks.

We’ve just experienced this too – a question mark in the console UX immediately after creating the rack, STATUS: unknown from convox racks, ERROR: response status 502 on any rack-specific CLI commands, etc. Once I’m sure everything’s been created on the AWS side, I’ll try importing per those instructions, but a heads-up that I don’t think the issue is fully resolved.