Created a brand new rack with convox rack install aws --name convox-rack-testing
, and right after the rack was created, tried to enable private networking with convox rack params set Private=Yes --wait
However this won’t work, and CloudFormation will fail with the following log:
system/aws/cfm convox-rack-testing UPDATE_FAILED VolumeTarget1 Mount target is not stabilized, the current lifeCycleState is available.
system/aws/cfm convox-rack-testing UPDATE_FAILED VolumeTarget0 Resource update cancelled
system/aws/cfm convox-rack-testing UPDATE_FAILED VolumeTarget2 Resource update cancelled
Rollback operation will also fail:
system/aws/cfm convox-rack-testing UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED convox-rack-testing The following resource(s) failed to update: [VolumeTarget1, VolumeTarget0, VolumeTarget2].
/cc: @ddollar