I recently updated my Convox CLI version and now it no longer detects any connected security keys. Here’s the error I get:
$ convox version
client: 3.3.3
Waiting for security token... ERROR: no valid tokens found
I tried several different hardware keys and the same thing happens. I’m running OS X 11.6.4 on an Intel CPU and here are my system details:
$ uname -a
Darwin MacBook-Pro.localdomain 20.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Wed Jan 12 22:22:42 PST 2022; root:xnu-7195.141.19~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
I was only able to get this working after I downgraded to an older release of the CLI binary. I traced through the most recent releases and convox-macos under release 3.2.5 was the last version that worked. The first version that exhibits this error for me is convox-macos under release 3.3.0
It’s working for me on macOS 12.2.1 with Convox CLI version 3.3.4, but when I’m being challenged for my security key, I’ve consistently had it fail the first two attempts, so I have to run the command three times:
$ convox apps params --rack=my-org/my-rack --app=my-app
# returns immediately with:
Waiting for security token... ERROR: hidapi: hid_error is not implemented yet
$ convox apps params --rack=my-org/my-rack --app=my-app
# makes my key flash once, but when I touch it, responds with:
Waiting for security token... ERROR: hidapi: hid_error is not implemented yet
$ convox apps params --rack=envato-content/content-author-apps-production --app=author-platform
Waiting for security token... OK
Hi @kris! We use a 3rd party tool to build the CLI for macOS arm64, they released a new version a few days ago that fixed the problem. Thanks for your contribution.