The Convox router listens on ports 80 and 443 and handles SSL termination for you. You will need to define the port on which your application is listening.
and I can confirm this by looking at the relevant ALB and in CloudFormation too:
@Nick-Convox is the app parameter RedirectHttps relevant? I tried setting it to No but it did not do anything that I could see.
Reading the code, it seems like it would actually enable HTTP instead of doing a permanent redirect. But even a permanent redirect is a risk, as cookies or other secrets might be exposed, not to mention enabling HTTP.
RedirectHttps does just that:
Set to No to allow the app to listen on HTTP rather than the default behavior of having all HTTP requests automatically redirected to HTTPS - docs
As for the ability to completely disable HTTP/80 from the LB we currently don’t offer this option; however, seeing as you are running into it for compliance purposes I can see the potential value in having this added as a feature.
I have gone ahead and created an internal feature request ticket to talk about at the next sprint planning meeting. I will be sure to update this post once I have any additional information.