Free SSL Certs Everywhere
All Convox regions – us-east-1, us-west-2, eu-west-1, ap-northeast-1 – now can take advantage of the AWS Certificate Manager for free SSL certs:
$ convox certs generate
Requesting certificate... OK, acm-01234567890
Thank you @rcaught for enabling to secure all our services in #645.
Improved API Validations
It is now much more clear to users what syslog protocols are supported:
$ convox services create syslog --url
ERROR: Invalid url scheme `http`. Allowed schemes are `udp`, `tcp`, `tcp+tls`.
It is also more clear that the you can not name an app the same as the rack:
$ convox apps create convox
Creating app convox... ERROR: application name cannot match rack name (convox). Please choose a different name for your app.
Thanks to @prognostikos for #632 and #646.
Uninstall Improvements
@keshavab contributed some really nice improvements to make the uninstall IAM prompts more clear and robust:
$ convox uninstall --stack-name=staging --region=us-east-1
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This installer needs AWS credentials to install/uninstall the Convox platform into
your AWS account. These credentials will only be used to communicate between this
installer running on your computer and the AWS API.
AWS Access Key ID:
AWS Secret Access Key:
@nzoschke also restored the Uninstall doc in
Keep the feedback coming on ways we can improve the uninstall experience. You can expect more improvements here in the future.