Importing existing resources

Our convox.yml got complicated enough per-environment that we started generating it with code for our main app. It’s still not great but there’s less concern of accidentally creating an app-level resource in production.

Since the initial post, I’ve learned some go and I don’t think adding support for disabling app-level resources would be very difficult. It seems to me the Convox team has gen-2 in maintenance mode but will accept PRs.

I am surprised that it’s not possible to define a snapshot ARN for app-based postgres like you can for rack resources.

There is DMS which might work for you instead of initializing from a snapshot. IIRC it didn’t work for us for a very particular issue related to escaping Postgres JSONB columns but you may not run into the issue (and they may have fixed it by now anyway).

With gen-1 we used the ‘-1’ scale parameter but that now fails.

IIRC with gen-2 services you can just set scale=0 instead of scale=-1. In gen-1, “-1” disabled the load balancer also but since gen-2 uses ALB instead of ELB there’s only one load balancer so there’s no more need to it off to save money.

That doesn’t apply to resources though.

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