Amazon ECS-Optimized Amazon Linux 2 AMIs moving to use Docker v25.0.3

Hello there,

Received this notification from AWS:

We are contacting you about an upcoming change to the Docker version used in the Amazon ECS-Optimized AMIs based on Amazon Linux 2 (AL2). Amazon ECS-Optimized AL2 AMIs use Docker version 20.10. This version of Docker reached its end-of-life in December 2023 and will not receive any further security updates.

Starting with the release on May 16, 2024, Amazon ECS-Optimized AL2 AMIs will use Docker version 25.0.3, this is the latest version of Docker. We recommend you update to the latest available Amazon ECS-Optimized AL2 AMI to get this update or move to the latest ECS-Optimized Amazon Linux 2023 AMIs that already use Docker version 25.0.3.

How this will impact our Convox racks (Rack version 2, currently running version 20231016235533) ?

bumping question, we are also interested in that topic

Hello @here

Please see the line in the email notice:

If you are running the Amazon ECS-Optimized AL2023 AMIs, which are on the latest Docker version, you can disregard this message.

Convox uses the latest AMIs published by AWS.

You can validate the AMIs of all running instances in a given region with the following AWS CLI command:

aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].{InstanceName:Tags[?Key==`Name`]|[0].Value, AMI:ImageId}' --output table --region <region>


Thank you Nick.

Apparently, terminating an instance does not change the AMI used by the newly created replacement instance.

So my question: do I need to upgrade the Convox version in order to use the latest AMIs published by AWS?
